About Me

I am a PhD student at the University of Colorado, Boulder in the Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology program (IQ Bio) and Ecology and Evolutionary Biology department, and a Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellow (DOE CSGF). I graduated cum laude from Amherst College in the Fall of 2022 with a bachelor's in Biology and Music, and a certificate in Coastal and Marine Science.
I am interested in many fields of science, including marine ecology, theoretical ecology, modeling, and data science. My current research focuses on studying relationships between response diversity and stability in simulated ecosystems, and on inferring interspecific interactions.
I also maintain active interests in music and art. I am the guitarist and backup drummer in Jehovah's Fitness Club, and gig in the Boulder/Denver scene. In my free time, I enjoy writing and recording original music, jamming with friends, and drawing and painting.